Faculty of Physics
1. From the Unity of Nature according to Empedocles to a Unification Theory of Modern Physcis, Kalachanis, K., Efstratios Theodossiou, Vassilios N. Manimanis, E. Panou, I. Kostikas, journal DIA-LOGOS, accepted April 2013.
2. A Minoan Eclipse Calculator, Minas Tsikritsis, Efstratios Theodossiou, Vassilios N. Manimanis, Petros Mantarakis and Dimitrios Tsikritsis, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, MAA, vol. 13, No. 1, 2013.
3. From the Cosmogonical Chaos of Ancient Greek Philosophical Thought to the Chaos Theory of Modern Physics. E. Theodossiou, K. Kalahanis, V.N. Manimanis and M.S. Dimitrijevic, journal Facta Universatis, Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, Vol. 11, No 2, 2012, pp. 211-221. http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/pas/pas.html
4. The era Of Aries and Kriophoros Statues. E. Theodossiou, P. Mantarakis and M.S. Dimitrijevic, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, issue 4, vol. 27, Cambridge Scientific Publicers, December 2012.
5. The contribution of Byzantine men of the church in science: Cosmas Indicopleustes (6th century). V.N. Manimanis, E. Theodossiou, M.S. Dimitrijevic. European Journal of Science and Theology, EJST, paper accepted, 2012
6. The Geographers of the Early Byzantine Period. V.N. Manimanis, E. Theodossiou, M.S. Dimitrijevic. European Journal of Science and Theology, EJST, vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 23-40, December 2012.
7. Are the Pyramids of Greece Ancient Meridian Observatories? E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and M. Katsiotis. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, vol. 16, pp. 130-142, 2011. http://www.astro.bas.bg/AIJ/issues/n19/ETheodosiou.pdf
8. Astrology in the early Byzantine Empire and the anti-astrology stance of the Church Fathers. Efstratios Theodossiou, Vassilios N. Manimanis and Milan S. Dimitrijevic. Journal of Science and Theology, EJST, vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 25-45, June 2012.
9. Sirius in ancient Greek and Roman literature: From the Orphic Argonautics to the Astronomical Tables of Georgios Chrysococca. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and P. Mantarakis. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 14(3), 180-189 (2011).
10. The contribution of Byzantine priests in astronomy and cosmology. II. Great church scholars in the early Byzantine empire. V.N. Manimanis, E. Theodosiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic. European Journal of Science and Theology, EJST, vol. 7, No. 4, 25-45, December 2011. http://www.ejst.tuiasi.ro/Files/29/25-45Manimanis%20et%20al.pdf
11. The contribution of Byzantine priests in astronomy and cosmology. I. The Church Fathers: The Three Bishops St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nazianzus and St. John Chrysostom. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and M. Dimitrijević. European Journal of Science and Theology, EJST, vol. 7, No. 2, 57-69, June 2011.
12. Cosmologies of Alcman, Leucippus and Democritus and some similarities with modern scientific concepts. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, M.S. Dimitrijevic and A. Dacanalis, Journal of Classical Studies ‘Matica Srpska' Vol. 12, 2010, pp. 63-75.
13. From presocratic philosophical monism to religious-scientific dualism and from dualism to monism of the Theory Of Everything. Journal DIA-LOGOS, accepted paper, Vol. 1, No. 1, Papazeses Publ., Athens, 2011.
14. The cosmological theories of the pre-Socratic Greek philosophers and their philosophical views for Environment. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and M. Dimitrijević. Facta Universatis, Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, vol. 10, No 1, 2011, pp. 89-99. http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/pas/pas.html http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/pas/pas2011/pas2011-09.pdf http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/pas/pas2011/pas2011toc.htm
15. Six calendar systems in the European history from 18th to 20th Century. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and M. Dimitrijević. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, vol. 16, pp. 111-129, 2011.
16. The contribution of the Church in Byzantium to the Natural Sciences - Byzantine astronomers and scientists. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, and M.S. Dimitrijevic. European Journal of Science and Theology, EJST 6, No. 4, 57-69, December 2010.
17. Astronomy and constellations in Iliad and Odyssey. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, P. Mantarakis, and M.S. Dimitrijevic. Journal of History of Astronomy and Heritage JAH2, vol. 14 (1). March 2011, pp. 22-30.
18. Gaia, Ouranos, Helios and Selene: The three principal celestial bodies and the sky in Ancient Greek Cosmogony. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and P. Mantarakis. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, vol. 16, pp. 90-108, 2011. http://www.astro.bas.bg/AIJ/issues/n16/ETheodos.pdf http://www.astro.bas.bg/AIJ/issues/n16/index.html
19. The theory of Pantachekineton of Benjamin Lesvios. Journal Phlogiston-The journal of the Serbian Society for the History of Science, vol. 18/19, pp. 7-32, March 2011.
20. From the Infinity (Apeiron) of Anaximander in Ancient Greece to the theory of Infinite Universes in Modern Cosmology, Journal Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions Vol. 27, Issue 1, 2010/11. E. Theodossiou, P. Mantarakis, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis. http://www.aaptr.com/upload/AAPTR/pdf/153_167_Theodossiou.pdf
21. The inconvenient relation between religion and science: The prevalence of the heliocentric theory, European Journal of Science and Theology, September 2010, Vol. 6, No.3, 47-56, E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
22. The Large Built Water Clock of Amphiaraeion. Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, MAA,vol. 10, No.1, pp. 159-161. E. Theodossiou, M. Katsiotis, V.N. Manimanis, P. Mantarakis, March 2010. http://www.rhodes.aegean.gr/maa_journal/Theodosiou%2010_1.pdf Impact Factor (1.16 το 2010).
23. The cosmology of Democritus, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, Vol. 13, 2008. E. Theodossiou, A. Dacanalis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and P. Mantarakis, 2010, pp. 140-152. http://www.astro.bas.bg/AIJ/issues/n13/11_EDanezis.pdf
24. The Heliocentric system from the first seeds in Orphic Hymns and the Pythagoreans to the Emperor Julian. Xелиоцентрични Πoгет..., Eфстратије Tеодосиу, Aри Δаканалис, Μилан C. Δимитријевић, Πетрос Μантаракис (Serbian version). Journal of Classical Studies ‘Matica Srpska' Vol. 11, 2009, pp. 155-174.
25. Scientific Cosmology in parallel with Religious Cosmology. Special issue of the Journal of CDST, Universitaria Printing House, University of Craiova. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
26. Orthodox Church and Astronomy in Common Fight against Astrological Superstition. Journal Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion, Vol. 5, pp. 87-93, 2009. M.S. Dimitrijevic and E.Theodossiou.
27. The Cosmology of the Gnostics and the Orthodox Church. Journal Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion, Vol.5, pp. 47-52, 2009. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, E. Danezis and M.S. Dimitrijevic.http://www.scribd.com/doc/21755414/4/The-Cosmology-of-the-Gnostics-and-the-Orthodox-Church http://www.it4s.ro/transdisciplinarity/tds_contents.htm
28. Pорекло хелиоцентричног система. Phlogiston-The journal of the Serbian Society for the History of Science, Vol. 16, pp. 83-105, Eфстратије Tеодосиу, Aри Δаканалис, Μилан C.Δимитријевић, Πетрос Μантаракис (Serbian version). Αs: Origins of the Heliocentric System.Phlogiston-The journal of the Serbian Society for the History of Science, Vol. 16, pp. 107-125 (English version), 2008. E. Theodossiou, A. Dacanalis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and P.Z. Mantarakis. http://www.astro.bas.bg/AIJ/issues/n11/13_Theodos.pdf http://www.astro.bas.bg/AIJ/issues/n11/index.html
29. Study and Orientations of the Mt. Oche "Dragon House" in Euboea, Greece. Journal of History of Astronomy and Heritage JAH2 12, No. 2, 2009, 151-156, E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M. Katsiotis and D. Papanikolaou.
30. The Heliocentric system from the Orphic Hymns and the Pythagoreans to emperor Julian, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, Vol. 11, 2008. E. Theodossiou, A. Dacanalis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and P. Mantarakis.
31. Oд Aнаkcиmaндрoboг Apeiron y cтaрoj грчkoj дo Тeoриje o Beckoначнocти и moдeрнoj Kocmoлoгиjи-From Apeiron of Anaximander in Ancient Greece to the Theory of Infinite Universes in Modern Cosmology, Journal of Classical Studies ‘Matica Srpska', Vol. 10, 2008, pp. 281-297.Ефстратије Теодосиу, Петрос Мантаракис, Милан C. Димитријевић. www.maticasrpska.org.rs/casopisi/klasicne_studije_10.pdf
32. Milutin Milancovic and the Reform of the Julian Calendar in 1923. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage JAH2, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2008, pp. 50-54. M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Theodossiou.
33. "Hydor" from ancient Greek Cosmogonies to Modern Astrophysics. Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion Journal, Vol. 1, 2007, pp. 117-128. E. Theodossiou, M.S. Dimitrijevic, V.N. Manimanis and Th. Grammenos. www.bergfiles.com/i/bf4ddbff0ah35i0
34. Rigas Velenstinles: A visionary pioneer of Greek Enlightement and Martyr of Freedom. Journal Phlogiston-The journal of the Serbian Society for the History of Science, Vol. 14, July 2007. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis.http://www.muzejnt.rs/en/334 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008AIPC.1043...74T
35. Demetrios Eginitis: Restorer of the Athens Observatory, Journal of History of Astronomy and Heritage JAH2 Vol. 10, No. 2, 2007, pp. 123-132. E. Th. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and P. Mantarakis.
36. Cosmological Questions in the Homilies on Hexameron of Saint Basil the Great- Κocмoлщка питања ў беседама на шестодңев Bасилија Bелиқог, Journal Cbecke Vol. 83, Κнижевност-Уметност-Култура, Maрт 2007, pp. 58-62. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
37. The lost Roman calendars of Ancient Macedonia., Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions Vol. 25, No. 4, August 2006, pp. 347-354. E. Theodossiou and P. Mantarakis.
38. The greatest Byzantine astronomer Nicephoros Gregoras and the Serbs-Haјbeђи Визаңтијски астроңом Ниђифор Григoра и Срби. Journal of Classical Studies "Matica Srpska", Vol. 8, 2006, pp. 149-168. E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic.http://www.citeulike.org/article/668797 http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/gaat/2006/00000025/00000001/art00009
39. Nicephoros Gregoras-The greatest Byzantine astronomer. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 25, No. 1, February 2006, pp. 105-118. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic, M. and E. Danezis. Full text: http://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2008/09/29/0001230906/105-118.pdf http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gaat20/25/1 www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/gaat/2006/00000025/.../art00009
40. Un-tangible World and Modern Physics. European Journal of Science and Theology. Vol. 1. No. 4, December 2005, pp. 11-17. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, Y. Gonidakis and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
41. Reforma calendaruli iulian la sinodul de la Constantinopol din 1923. Jurnale Νova Reprezentare a LumiiVol. 5, 2005, pp. 81-86. Μ. Dimitrijevic and E. Theodossiou.
42. Theophilos Kairis: The Creator and Iniator of Theosebism in Greece. Journal of the European Legacy,Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 783-797, 2004. E. Theodossiou, Th. Grammenos and V.N. Manimanis. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1084877042000311626
43. The different meanings of the term Ouranos and the importance of Aether in Aristotle's works On the Heaven and On the Cosmos. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions Vol. 23, Nο. 1, February 2004, pp. 81-84. E. Theodossiou.
44. The Christian chronologies of the Creation and the view of modern Astrophysics. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 23, Nο. 1, February 2004, pp. 75-80. E. Theodossiou.
45. The first tower clock in Athens. Horological Journal, Vol. 145, Νο. 8, August 2003, p. 288-292. E. Theodossiou, S. Azzopardi and V.N. Manimanis.
46. A new model for the structure of the DACs regions in the Oe and Be stellar atmospheres. Astrophysics and Space Science Ap&SS Vol. 284, No. 4, 2003, pp. 1119-1142. E. Danezis, D. Nikolaidis, V. Lyratzi, M. Stathopoulou, E. Theodossiou, A. Kosionidis, C. Drakopoulos, G. Christou and P. Koutsouris http://www.springerlink.com/content/l84702243222h04j/
47. The fall of a meteorite at Aegos Potami in 467 BC. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage JAH2Vol. 5, No. 2, Number 10, December 2002, pp. 135-140. E. Theodossiou, P. Niarchos, V.N. Manimanis and W. Orchiston. http://eprints.jcu.edu.au/4968/1/4968_Theodossiou_et_al...2002.pdf
48. The Calendar of the Greek Orthodox Church. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 21, Nο. 1-3, June 2002, pp. 145-148. M. Dimitrijevic and E. Theodossiou. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/gaat/2002/00000021/f0030001/art00022 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10556790215577
49. The Russians Calendars after the Christianization of the country. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 21, Nο. 1-3, June 2002, pp. 149-153. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and E. Danezis.
50. From Pythagoreans to Kepler: The dispute between the geocentric and the heliocentric system. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage JAH2 Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2002, pp. 89-98. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis, V.N. Manimanis and E.-M. Kalyva.
1. "Антика, Савремени свет и рецепциа Антика култура ", Београд, 2012. Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Toward a New Theory of the Unification of Knowledge-Προς μια νέα θεωρία της ενότητας της γνώσης (δίγλωσση εργασία), E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic, vol. 113, pp. 438-443, 2012.
2. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић, Six calendrical Systems in the European History from 18th to 20th Century, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" vol. 10, pp. 745-769, 2011.
3. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић, The contributions of Byzantium to the Natural Sciences-Byzantine Astronomers and Scientists, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" vol. 10, pp. 693-706, 2011.
4. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић, The cosmological Theories of the Pre-Socratic Greek Philosophers and their Philosophical views fot Enviroment, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" vol. 10, pp. 639-651, 2011.
5. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, M.S. Dimitrijevic and A. Dacanalis, Cosmologies of Alcman, Leucippus and Democritus, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" vol. 10, pp. 629-638, 2011. scindeks.ceon.rs/article.aspx
6. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић and Πетрос Μантаракис, Sirius in Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" vol. 10, , pp. 605-628, 2011.
7. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић, Gaia, Ouranos, Helios and Selene-The three principal celestial bodies and the Sky in Ancient Greek Cosmogony, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" vol. 10, , pp. 585-603, 2011.
8. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Πетрос Μантаракис, Милан С. Димитријевић, Astronomy and Constellations in Homeric Iliad and Odyssey, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" vol. 10, , pp. 567-584, 2011.
9. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић, The theory of Everything of Benjamin Lesbios, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" vol. 10, , pp. 507-517, 2011.
10. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић, The inconvenient relation between religion and science: The prevalence of the heliocentric theory. Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Vol. 5. ANTIQUITY AND MODERN WORLD: RELIGION AND CULTURE. Belgrade, 255.855:2-17, pp. 374-386, 2011.
11. Ефстратије Т. Теодосију, Васијије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић, Космологија Гностика, Конференција "Античка култура и европско наслеђе", Београд, 2010. Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Vol. 5. The Cosmology of the Gnostics and Orthodox Church, E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and M.S. Dimitrijevic, 255.855:2-17, pp. 366-373, 2011.
12. Cosmologies of Alcman, Leucippus and Democritus and some similarities with modern scientific concepts. Antiquity and Modern World - collection of papers. Serbian Society of Ancient Studies, UDC 52, Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Vol. 4. pp. 162-173, Београд 2010. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou M.S. Dimitrijevic and A. Dacanalis.
13. The Astronomical Clock of Prague and the astronomical legacy of Antiquity. European ideas, Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Vol. 3, pp. 374-391, Beograd 2009. E. Theodossiou, Sp. Azzopardi, M.S. Dimitrijevic and V.N. Manimanis (In English and Serbian).
14. Rigas Velestinlis and Astronomy in his ‘Anthology of Physics'. Ε. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis. Exploring the Solar System, Bucharest, Romania, 2008, American Institute of Physics, AIP, vol. 1043, pp. 74-75.
15. Moschophoros-Kriophoros-Icthys: Constellation, Mythology and Time. Antiquity and Modern World. European ideas, Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies, Vol. 2. pp. 436-450, Beograd 2008. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, S. Goyette and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
16. "Hydor" from ancient Greek Cosmogonies to Modern Astrophysics. E. Theodossiou, M.S. Dimitrijevic., V.N. Manimanis, and Th. Grammenos. European ideas, Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies, Vol. 2. pp. 423-435, Beograd 2008.
17. Science-philosophy relation and the prevalence of the heliocentric theory. Ε. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and E. Danezis. Memorie della Societa Italiana, Vol. 75, 286. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2008.
18. The Cosmology of the pre-Socratic Greek philosophers, Ε. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis. Memorie della Societa Italiana, Vol. 75, 282. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2008. http://sait.oat.ts.astro.it/MSAIS/15/PDF/204.pdf
19. Κocмoлщка питања ў беседама на шестодңев Bасилија Bелиқог. Aнтиқа и Cабремени Cвет (in Serbian) = Cosmological Questions in the Homilies on Hexameron of Saint Basil the Great. Antiquity and Modern World (in English). Serbian Society of Ancient Studies, UDC 52, Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Vol. 1. pp. 80-88, Београд 2007. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
20. Haјbeђи Визаңтијски астроңом Ниђифор Григoра и Срби. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. Pyђeр Бошковиђ, No. 8, pp. 247-256, Нови Сад, 2006. Ε. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis.
21. Κocмoлoгиjа y "беседама на шестодңев" Bасилија Bелиқог y yтищaj oбoг делa koд Србa. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" Бр. 7, pp. 453-460, Нови Сад, 2006. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
22. Hexameron of St. Basil the Great and cosmological views of his time. Selected papers in a book published in Romanian and English languages by Basarab Nicolescu and Magda Stavinschi. Vol. 1, Curtea Veche Publications, Observatory of Bucharest, 2006, pp. 103-109. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
23. Nichephoros Gregoras-The greatest Byzantine Astronomer and the Serbs. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. "Pyђeр Бошковиђ" No. 80, pp. 269-274, 2006. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis.
24. A new approach for the structure of Ηα regions in 120 Be-type stars. Memorie della Societa Italiana Vol. 7, 114. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005. E. Lyratzi, Ε. Danezis, E. Theodossiou.
25. A new modeling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars. Memorie della Societa Italiana, Vol. 7, 107. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2005. E. Danezis, E. Lyratzi,..., E. Theodossiou.
26. Μεθοδολογική προσέγγιση της Πανεπιστημιακής προπτυχιακής εκπαίδευσης στην Aστροφυσική. Mία πρόταση δομής ενός προγράμματος προπτυχιακών πανεπιστημιακών σπουδών στην Aστροφυσική. Astronomy 2000+ Greek Prospers for the 21st Century, Πεντέλη, 12-13 Nοεμβρίου 1998. E. Δανέζης, E. Θεοδοσίου και M. Σταθοπούλου.
27. Photoelectric Photometry Equipment's Calibration at the Kryonerion Astronomical Station. Memoirs of the National Observatory of Athens. Series I, No. 37, 1998, L. Hric, P.G. Niarchos, K. Pertik, E. Theodossiou.
28. The UV spectrum of the RS CVn Binary System SZ Psc. Lecture Notes in Physics 397, Editors: P.B. Byrne, D.J. Mullan. Surface Inhomogeneities on Late-Type stars. Proceedings, Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland. 1990, Springer-Verlag, 24-27, July 1990. E. Danezis, E. Antonopoulou, M. Mathioudakis and E. Theodossiou.
29. The distribution of Bright stars in the SMC clusters. IAU Symposium No. 116, 26-31 May 1985. Editors, C. de Loore, A. Willis, P.G. Laskarides 1986. Kluwer academic publishers group. E. Kontizas, E. Theodossiou and M. Kontizas.
30. Computer controlled spectrum scanner for the 1.2 m Kryonerion Telescope. Memoirs of the National Observatory of Athens. Series II, No. 27, 1983, E. Kontizas, M.J. Smyth, E. Theodossiou, M. Kontizas.
1. The conical sundial of the Archeological Museum of Greece. The Compendium, Journal of the North American Sundial Society NASS accepted paper March 2013. E. Panou, V.N. Manimanis E. Theodossiou and Peter Z. Mantarakis.
2. Two sundials in the village Nichephoros, a village in northern Greece. The Compendium, Journal of the North American Sundial Society NASS vol. 19, No. 4, December 2012, pp. 6-10. K. Kordosis,E. Theodossiou, A. Dacananis and Peter Z. Mantarakis.
3. Two sundials in Drama, a city in northern Greece. The Compendium, Journal of the North American Sundial Society NASS, vol. 19, No. 2, 14-18, March 2012. E. Theodossiou, V. N. Manimanis and P. Mantarakis.
4. Four horizontal sundials in schools of Volos, Alonnisos and Stefanoviki. D. Blatsis, E. Theodossiou & V.N. Manimanis. BSSB Vol. 23 (i), 32-34, March 2011.
5. The construction of an equatorial sundial with a reference to Anaximander's skiathero. BSSB Vol. 21 (iv), December 2010. A. Galanakis, E. Theodossiou & V.N. Manimanis.
6. The only ‘mass dial' in Greece. BSSB Vol. 21 (i), March 2010, E. Theodossiou and V. N. Manimanis.
7. The vertical sundial of the Leimonos Monastery, The Compendium, Journal of the North American Sundial Society NASS Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 30-33, March 2009. E. Theodossiou, P. Mantarakis and V. N. Manimanis. sundials.org/attachments/article/58/Compendium161_March2009.P
8. The vertical sundial of the church of Panaghia Scripou, The Compendium, NASS, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 2007. E. Theodossiou, V. N. Manimanis and P. Mantarakis. http://proceedings.aip.org/resource/2/apcpcs/848/1/934_1?isAuthorized=no
9. The vertical sundial of Panaghia Vlaherna Convent in Kyllene, Peloponnese. BSSB Vol. 19 (ii), June 2007, pp. 84-85. E. Theodossiou, Y. Kouris and V.N. Manimanis.
10. The vertical sundial of the church of the Dormition of the Virgin at Agia Trias in the Argive plain. BSSB Vol. 19 (i), March 2007, pp. 12-14. E. Theodossiou and A. Dacanalis.
11. The Tower of the Winds in Athens-The water-clock and its eight vertical sundials. The Compendium, NASS, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 2006, pp. 4-8. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and P. Mantarakis.
12. The Roman sundial at Dion-The famous ancient Macedonian Sanctuary. BSSB Vol. 18 (iv), December 2006. E. Theodossiou
13. The Quadruplex Sundial of Tenos. The Compedium, Journal of the North American Sundial Society NASS, Vol. 13, No 2, June 2006, pp. 27-30. E. Theodossiou, P. Mantarakis and V.N. Manimanis.
14. La torre dels Vents D' Atenes-La torre de los Vientos de Atenes. Revista de la Societat Catalana de Gnomonica RSCG Vol. 52. Maig-agost del 2005, 11-19. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis e M. Katsiotis.
15. The vertical sundial of Saint Lavrentios Convent. BSSB Vol. 16 (iii), September 2004, pp.101-103. E. Theodossiou, Y. Kouris and V.N. Manimanis.
16. Two sundials in South East Attica. BSSB Vol. 16 (ii), June 2004, pp. 49-52. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis
17. The vertical sundial of Hossios Loukas Convent. BSSB Vol. 16 (i), March 2004, pp. 18-21. E. Theodossiou and A. Dakanalis
18. The ancient athenian sculptured calendar. BSSB Vol. 15 (iii), September 2003, pp. 100-103. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis.
19. The sundials at Novodevithiy Convent in Moscow. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis. BSSB Vol. 15 (ii), June 2003, pp. 71-73.
20. L' Antica Clepsidra d Atenes - La Antigua Clepsidra de Atenas, Revista de la Societat Catalana de Gnomonica. RSCG Vol. 45. Gener-abril del 2003, 1-8. E. Theodossiou and E.-M. Kalyva.
21. The sundials at the Skalnate Pleso Observatory, in Poprad (Slovak Repuplic) and in Otzenhausen (Germany). BSSB Vol. 15 (i), March 2003, pp. 35-37. E. Theodossiou , P.G. Niarchos and V.N. Manimanis
22. The Ancient Clepsydra of Athens. BSSB Vol. 14 (iv), December 2002, pp. 162-166. E. Theodossiou and E.-M. Kalyva.
23. The horizontal Sundial of Athens. BSSB Vol. 14 (iii), September 2002, pp. 126-128. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and E.-M. Kalyva.
24. The Japanese sundial of Ancient Epidaurus. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society BSSB Vol. 14 (ii), June 2002, pp. 67-69. E. Theodossiou and V.N. Manimanis
•BSSB: British Sundial Society Bulletin
•RSCG: Revista de la Societat Catalana de Gnomonica
•NASS: The compedium, Journal of the North American Sundial Society